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Showing posts from July, 2022

PowerShell TCP Port scanner in one line

If you ever need a TCP port scanner that takes years to run, and you want to do it all in one line, PowerShell has you covered.  1..254 | % {if(Test-Connection 192.168.10.$_ -count 1 -quiet){foreach($x in 1..65535){if(Test-NetConnection -Port $x -ComputerName 192.168.10.$_ -InformationLevel Quiet){Write-Host "Found 192.168.10.$_`:$x"}}}} This one-liner pings every address in the specified network and if it receives a response, it then does a TCP port scan on the address. Keep in mind, it scans the address for all 65,535 ports. The addressing scheme and port ranges can change though, and if you only need to scan a network for all servers with port 80 open, it will be considerably faster. I still recommend using Nmap though. 

Remote VPS file share server

 Recently, I've *allegedly* received some documents on torrent clients on my network. Of course, I wholeheartedly respect copyright laws and do my utmost to ensure that files on my systems are 100% legal. Regardless, I thought creating an offsite file download/share server might be an exciting project.  I already had a VPS I was renting from a VPS provider, so I spun up another one with them. Relatively low specs, 4 CPUs, 4GB RAM, but it has unlimited network usage which is good for my purposes. I went with the most recent version of Ubuntu, but any OS would work with this.  To start off, I had an idea for a setup that used a management IP that I could access to download files and communicate with the torrent client, and a download IP that ran a VPN at all times and was only used for downloading files. Luckily enough, my VPS provider had options for adding extra IPv4 addresses to the server, so I bought an extra address and got that working. OpenVPN also has an option to bind to a