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Showing posts from March, 2022

Automated firewall manager for multiple windows devices

Code can be found here . For the upcoming CCDC regionals, I'll need to manage multiple different windows machines and servers. In the state competition, I had made a simple script that created some basic firewall rules mostly targetting Active Directory services. I then applied these to both the Windows server 2012 DC and the Windows server 2016 Hyper-V/Docker machine. The rules worked fine for both, especially considering that I decided to 'reduce my threat surface' by removing the net adapters from the Docker box. However, for regionals, I'll be managing multiple Active Directories, Exchange servers, and Docker at the very least.  Having a rigid script that applies the same firewall rules to every box won't work as well as it did in state, and creating a new script for each machine is too time-consuming. So I decided to create something that could detect what services and roles were installed on a given machine and then install the necessary firewall rules based o