If you ever need a TCP port scanner that takes years to run, and you want to do it all in one line, PowerShell has you covered.
1..254 | % {if(Test-Connection 192.168.10.$_ -count 1 -quiet){foreach($x in 1..65535){if(Test-NetConnection -Port $x -ComputerName 192.168.10.$_ -InformationLevel Quiet){Write-Host "Found 192.168.10.$_`:$x"}}}}
This one-liner pings every address in the specified network and if it receives a response, it then does a TCP port scan on the address. Keep in mind, it scans the address for all 65,535 ports. The addressing scheme and port ranges can change though, and if you only need to scan a network for all servers with port 80 open, it will be considerably faster. I still recommend using Nmap though.
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