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Showing posts from November, 2021

Port Scanner in C (and some updates)

 It's been a while since I last updated this blog. School and CCDC have really been eating at my time. Contrary to the earlier style of the blog, I plan on keeping things more informal and casual. I'm transitioning this into more of an archival type of thing. A place to keep track of my notes and projects, as well as a place to document my thoughts at the time. Posts will be infrequent and likely quite random. For this post, I'm going to write about a little port scanner I wrote for an entry-level C course. As a little background, the only experience I have with C comes from C++ in a high school course some 7 years ago. So I was fairly excited to start this class and dig in a bit deeper.  The Project For our final project, we needed to create a program and present on it. I wanted to combine what I was doing in my networking class and my C class, so I went with something I thought would be simple enough. A port scanner.  Turns out, writing a port scanner when the most adva...