This week's post will cover the operation of the Internet Protocol. Specifically, Time to Live (TOL), Type of Service(TOS), the Header Checksum, and the other remaining options available when transmitting data across IP. While this post will cover the basic operations and provide descriptions of their functions and use, a more technical dive will be saved for next week's post, which will cover the specification section of RFC 791. The final post in this series will cover the security implications of the Internet Protocol, and briefly cover the updates made to the original document and protocol. Continuing from the last post, there are two main functions of the Internet Protocol. Addressing and Fragmentation. To begin, the device you use to connect to the internet, or the internet module, uses the addressing function of IP to send and receive data. The internet module reads the address of the datagram and uses it to route to the desired endpoint. This address is carried...
Project documentation and writeups. Re-purposed coursework blog.